Spoiled Pickle

Where Were You When They Set the World On Fire?

It's January 6th, 2020. It's been a sleepy weekend in America but the rest of the world appears to be on fire. The Austrailians are fighting fire tornados while the Iranians vow to avenge the death of one of their military commanders after President Trump’s administration launched a drone strike that killed top Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani. All of this has taken place on the heals of President Trump's pending impeachment trial in the US Senate.

I keep asking myself, how in the hell did this happen so fast. A week ago, folks were shopping for outfits to wear to the Golden Globes. Now, we're seeing headlines glamorizing the onset of a potential World War III. Is anyone paying attention? Where are the diplomats? Where are the Democrats? Where are the consciencious GOP members? Where are the consciencious objectors?

Do American politicians really believe that the American people want to go to war? Maybe they're all sitting around thinking this is just another way to pump the stock market and pump the US economy. Or maybe they think that this thing will blow over... It won't. Not this time. They're gathering in the streets... And the Iranians are calling the death of their top general an assassination and vowing to strike back. According to various sources, General Soleimani was responsible for numerous attacks on American soldiers and citizens since 2003. He was adored by his people and galvanized their solidarity. So maybe, I'm asking the wrong question. The question isn't do American politicians really believe that the American people are ready for a war with Iran? The real question is Where Were You When They Set The World On Fire?

Where were you when America was re-examining it's tenuous racial divide and struggling to not allow it's fledgeling new colorless ideology die? Where were you when American women began to win their struggle to be recognized for their strength, their wisdom, and their contributions to society rather than settling for being groped and complaining about it ten years after the fact because it was not acceptable for them to speak out? Just when it looked like America was about to tackle it's biggest problems, the state of Illinois legalizes marijuana. Funny how all this seems to be happening at the same time... It was funny until we were brought to the brink of war.

We Hate Politics!

Yeah, you guessed it. We will not go easy on politicians on this site. If they do something stupid, we ain't gonna let them off the hook. If they have to get lit up here, it's going to be like fireworks in the sky.

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Whether it be the law of the land or what's going on over seas, we might just weigh in. If something dumb is going on, we're definitely going to speak upon it.