Spoiled Pickle

Al Sharpton's Gonna Do What?

So, it's once again time for the Al Sharpton Show! Yeah we get it. America will always need an African American Reverend to Stand Up Against racial injustice. It's just one of those things. It's kind of like there will never be another American Presidential election that doesn't have a minority. It's just the way it is. But that's a topic for another day. Let's focus on Reverend Sharpton. You see, this year has been an explosive year for Mr. Sharpton. We all know he's going to stay on the radio. He's going to be all over the news but there have really been some serious National Action Network (NAN) endeavors this year.

In April, 2019, Reverend Sharpton demanded reparations and criminal justice reform from Democratic Presidential candidates at a National Action Network convention in New York City. At that point, there were som 15 plus candidates bidding for the Democratic nomination. Rev. Sharpton challenged many of the candidates directly and like any A student, they gave the correct answer for the venue. Kamala Harris stated she would sign a bill to study reparations for African Americans if she's elected president... But she's now no longer in the race. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand said she'd support the bill. Well, she's no longer running either. Governor Hickenlooper said he'd pass the bill... Yeah, you guessed it. He dropped out. As a matter of fact, there's only a few notable candidates left who were at that meeting. Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Elizabeth Warren were both in attendance... But now we've got to ask the real question...

Will Al Sharpton endorse any of these candidates. In December, 2010, Reverend Sharpton plans to galvanize black clergy at yet another National Action Network meeting in attempt to push participation in the upcoming 2020 Presidential election. So, Mr. Sharpton, when you get all these Black Clergy in the room, are you going to just ask them to tell their congregations to vote or are you going to get behind one of these Democratic Candidates? There ain't many left. You've sparred with Mr. Trump... You've called each other names and gone back and forth like you can't stand each other but there's no shortage of pictures on the internet where you guys appear to be hanging out having a good old time throughout the years. And where the hell is Don King when you need him? Maybe you're saving him for last. Perhaps you'll endorse Trump in the end. I'm sure Don will be there for that one. Better still, let's have Don King be Elizabeth Warren's running mate. No, I have a better idea. How about you becoming Mike Pence's running mate after President Trump is impeached.

It just appears to me that there's a whole lot of lip service going on. People are just saying what they think the audience wants to hear. Where is the accountability? What will a Reparations Bill really do for African Americans? How would it be any different from welfare? How would a Reparations bill affect the culture of fortune five hundred companies who already have an under representation of minorities in their upper management tier? Which candidate will make the criminal justice system a real issue? What does Reverend Al Sharpton really want to accomplish? Maybe he's already accomplished his objective. Maybe he just wants some attention paid to minorities and their plight in America. But I don't see how reparations will bring about a culture change. I only see a growing divide. Only when America realizes they are one people will they have the opportunity to reach their true potential.

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