Spoiled Pickle

They Act Like It Never Happened

As the world keeps spinning and as people began to once again socialize, shop, and explore, it appears to me that more and more, people are not wearing masks. They're beginning to congregate without caution. They're eating at the buffets, and gathering in their favorite eating places. They've returned to the movie theaters and are beginning to go back to the malls. People are booking their hotels with reckless abandon and they don't care what it costs... The lobbies are filling while they enjoy their continental breakfast meals and their free coffee. It just seems like they're acting like COVID never happened.

And then there's the beach...It's almost like they couldn't wait to strip down at the beach and jump in the ocean. All the while I couldn't help but think, well I wonder if the coronavirus could just be floating in the dirty ass ocean water? How would we know? We wouldn't. Everyone's just laughing and splashing... They're taking in the sun rays and really just having a great time. Is it over I keep asking myself. Hell, everyone's taken the shot... Right? I guess we all got the vaccination. I wonder how many didn't get vaccinated. How many people are having reactions to the vaccination? Does anyone even care anymore?

Maybe everyone is just ready to live their lives. Maybe they don't care if it's a little shorter. Maybe they just don't know what to do so they've thrown caution to the wind and their doing what ever they want to do. I can remember sometime around March 2020 when everyone went into panic mode. Folks were stocking up on toilet paper. They started working from home. Some even left their jobs. They bought up all the tillers and began putting gardens in. Grocery stores were empty everywhere. Food was expensive and folks were just genuinely afraid. Now look at 'em. They're drinking out of the same beer bottles at the bars. They're packing the Lowes and Home Depots like never before. Their masks are no where to be found. And ass for the virus.... I guess no one gives a damn.

We Hate Politics!

Yeah, you guessed it. We will not go easy on politicians on this site. If they do something stupid, we ain't gonna let them off the hook. If they have to get lit up here, it's going to be like fireworks in the sky.

We Love Celebrities!

You will always be able to come to our site and get an opinion on what Celebrities are up too.


Whether it be the law of the land or what's going on over seas, we might just weigh in. If something dumb is going on, we're definitely going to speak upon it.