Spoiled Pickle

Uber Ride From Hell

Survived by Lynnette Marie, the Bravest Woman Alive In America!

All over the world, civilization is collapsing. We are witnessing violence take the main stage in Russia, Ukraine, Israel, and Gaza. Haiti is overrun by gangs. America is in a state of uncertain political turmoil and all the while, a young lady name Lynnette Marie is just trying to get home from work. As a single woman, it was common place for her to hail an Uber to make her commute..

Thousands do it everyday on Uber, Lift, and subways all over the US. And yet, the truth is there has always been danger when using public transportation. I guess that's what we have to call Uber... public transportation. It's convenient. It's fast and from the looks of it, Uber takes a lot of precautions when allowing new personnel to become drivers utilizing their platform. They require fairly new vehicles, drivers with up to date driver's licences, and a complete application. But, when you listen to Lynnette's video of her experience on Monday 18 March 2024, you have to ask yourself, are they doing enough? Now these days, you never know if someone is making something up... but in this case, there's just no way. Look at it. Then look at it again. Then look at it one more time.

Lynnette Marie is the Bravest Woman in The United States. She's telling us all, with fear, courage, and tears that she was saved by Facebook... that she was taken to a place where she was not meant to be found... and that she had to run and hide behind a church... and wait for help. She tells us that being able to share her location on facebook and images enabled her to be found. Folks, there's too many details here for this to be fake. There's too many tears, too much anxiety, and too much emotion for this to be anything but authentic. There's no reason to make this up. She's traumatized. She's hurt. And she's fighting back. God bless all women in this world. God bless Lynnette for standing up and fighting back. And I hope Uber get's this message. Find this man. Find him. And let's make sure everyone knows that you can't get away with this sort of thing. Not in 2024... Not in America.

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