Every day, as we go to and from our jobs, the post office, the grocery store, the mall, to school, or where ever life is taking us and we see the police engaged in perhaps the most important job you could have in a a civilized society. In fact, many of them have the essence of that job embossed upon their vehicles... serve and protect... serve and protect... That's exactly what the police are supposed to be doing in San Bernadino County, California. Shall we take a look at their Code of Ethics...
Lets Look at their mission!
Maybe I'm missing something... What about the Oath for Officer's in the State Of California... How does it go?
The California Law Enforcement Oath: "I, officer name, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter."
Ok, now I understand. In order to adhere to San Bernadino's Sheriff's Code of Ethics, their Department's Mission, and their law enforment officer's oath, it is necessary for several law enforcement personnel to straddle an assailant, punch them, knee them, beat them, continuously while hand cuffing them. Somehow this is not excessive force. I wonder, why don't they explicitly just put that in the Ethics Statement or their Mission Statement. Hell, put it in the oath so everyone is not shocked when we see it on TV. We need everyone to understand that when you see a police officer using excessive force that somehow it's not excessive... they're carrying out their oath of office. That's why they did it in November 2023 And... That's why they did it in March 2024.
... Or how about in 2018... I'm sure we could find more. They've been serving and protecting for over 100 years. Kick them. Beat them. Stomp Them. Knee them. Punch them. Especially once their in hand cuffs. Great job guys. Good work.Yeah, you guessed it. We will not go easy on politicians on this site. If they do something stupid, we ain't gonna let off the hook. If they have to get lit up here, it's going to be like fireworks in the sky.
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Whether it be the law of the land or what's going on over seas, we might just weigh in. If something dumb is going on, we're definitely going to speak upon it.