Spoiled Pickle

I Don't Understand Why People Have Snakes As Pets!

Folks, I don't know where to start with this one. Take a look at this video! I just can't imagine coming home and seeing people standing around looking at a big ass snake on top of my neighbor's roof. I'm sorry folks but that's bull *!@^6 if you ask me. I hate snakes. I hate em. I hate em. I hate em. Don't get me wrong. I understand that they are one of God's creatures. So are sharks... So are skunks... And so are racoons. But I just don't understand why folks think you can play with these animals. Oh, it's my pet... and I love my snakey poo... Bull *!@^6. This doesn't make any since to me. When I see a snake this big, I immediately think, where's my shot gun. I keep trying to say to myself... Hey, this is like this guy's dog. He dude. It's a snake. It can eat... I should say will eat a dog, a cat, or whatever it needs.

I'm extremely impressed that no one blew a hole in his roof. You can tell this guy really loves his snake but this is beyond my comprehension. After doing a bit of research, I found out that having a pet snake is becoming somewhat common place... There are plenty of videos on Youtube of people feeding their pet pythons both live and defrosted vermin. But I still say, WTF. I don't understand. I've heard horror stories of folks who have had these creatures and they get loose and they end up killing someone's dog or killing someone's child.... And that is why when I see one, I never stop and think, you know what, this copperhead might be someone's pet. I'm not going to bother that python, it belongs to Johnny. No, I'm not going to do anything if I see an aligator. It might belong to Ms. Jenkins down the road. It's a reptile. It's a predator. It gets hungry. It's loose. And it's dangerous.

We Hate Politics!

Yeah, you guessed it. We will not go easy on politicians on this site. If they do something stupid, we ain't gonna let off the hook. If they have to get lit up here, it's going to be like fireworks in the sky.

We Love Celebrities!

You will always be able to come to our site and get an opinion on what Celebrities are up too.


Whether it be the law of the land or what's going on over seas, we might just weigh in. If something dumb is going on, we're definitely going to speak upon it.