Spoiled Pickle


You know. Elon Musk is a really a Titan. This guy is really bringing the house down when it comes to innovation. It's like we are watching a modern day Henry Ford or a Thomas Edison. It's certain that as he continues his journey, he will be in the history books as one of the greatest Technology Icons of all time.

On November 21, 2019, Elon unveiled his idea for the future of electric pickup truck. It looks like something right out of a Star Wars Movie. It was one of the most fascinating debuts ever recorded. But I have to tell you folks. Though I think the world of Elon, this has got to be one of the ugliest damn vehicles I have ever scene. I've scene tanks that look prettier than this thing. OK, so you can hit the door with a sledge hammer and it won't bend. So What! I don't want that ugly ass truck in my yard. As a matter of fact, I don't want it in my neighbor's yard either.

Go ahead, take the time to click on the video above and check it out yourself. Maybe I'm crazy. But I looked at the thing a long time and by the time I got threw doating on Elon, I realized I was trying to force myself to like this thing. If there's anything I like about it, it has to be the ramp that can extend from the back. Other that that though, if my next door neighbor got one, I'd want to extend my fence all the way up the line so I didn't see the ugly vehicle in their drive way.

And I'll tell you something else too. If I saw three of these things in the parking lot at Walmart, I don't know what I'd do. Can you imagine it? I think I'd just go home and say damn it, I'll just order my stuff online. I don't want to feel like I'm in a Star Wars movie getting ready to visit Coruscant when I get milk and eggs to take home. When I saw this vehicle, I didn't even think it was a truck. There, I said it. It's modern. It's mean looking. It's futuristic. It's electric. It's tough. But hey yall.... I'm sorry. It's Ugly! Check it out for yourself if you like.

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