Spoiled Pickle

Here's the Deal.

With all the foolishness going on in the world. We got to talk (gossip) about it. Every now and then you can chalk it up to Darwinism but the truth is now adays it's starting to look like there's not a day that goes by where something dumb or extra doesn't happen.

Well, on this site, we're going to talk about it. Hopefully, you'll enjoy our commentary. With that, kick back, have glance and let's get into it.

They Act Like It Never Happened...

Dear Gayle...

Retribution Like a Mother $D%D@r! What Did You Think Was Going To Happen?

Mortal Danger Riding On Greyhound Bus!

I Don't Understand Why People Have Snakes As Pets!

Krystal is Filing for Bankruptcy, Damn!

Leader of the Free World.

Where Were You When They Set The World On Fire?

Is There Any Pizza Place That Doesn't Suck?

There's No Safe Place in America!

Pigeon Abuse, Come On!

Mitch McConnell Says There's No Chance Trump Will Be Removed From Office!

Al Sharpton Is Going to Do What?

Trump on Campaign Trail in Pennsylvania for 2020!

Trump on Toilets, Water, and China!

Trump, They're Out To Get You!

Alabama Cops Dragged like Dukes of Hazzard!

This Ain't No Sleepy Joe.

They're Going To Impeach Trump... So What?

It's A Damn Shame! Diva Down! Senator Kamala Harris Ends Her Presidential Campaign, December 2019!

Shots Fired at Waukesha South High School, December 2019!

President Trump... You've Got Us Going Now!

Chicago Police Slam Man Drinking Outside On Thanksgiving

Leave Melania Trump Alone!

Goshen Hospital Indiana Incidents!

You Can Lose Weight!

Cupcake! We will Never Forget You!

How is Your Mental Health!

Elon, What's Up With This Cybertruck?

We Hate Politics!

Yeah, you guessed it. We will not go easy on politicians on this site. If they do something stupid, we ain't gonna let them off the hook. If they have to get lit up here, it's going to be like fireworks in the sky.

We Love Celebrities!

You will always be able to come to our site and get an opinion on what Celebrities are up too.


Whether it be the law of the land or what's going on over seas, we might just weigh in. If something dumb is going on, we're definitely going to speak upon it.

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