Spoiled Pickle

Mr. McConnell Says There's No Chance Trump Will Be Removed From Office!

Mr. Mitch McConnell just let the whole world know where the real power is in the United States. It's the US Senate. You have to listen to what the Senate Majority Leader stated in his interview with Sean Hannity about the two articles of impeachment regarding President Trump. He states that usually if an issue comes over from the US House of Representatives, he has the option of looking at it or not. He goes on to state that in this case the Senate has no choice but to look at it. He then states that the two articles of impeachment coming from the US House of Representatives is weak and that his hope is that "not a single Republican votes for these articles of impeachment."

Man O Man O Man. I thought being an elected official to the US House of Representative or to the US Senate was about representing the people. The conversation between Mitch McConnell and Sean Hannity is absolutely fascinating. We can clearly hear the Senate Majority Leader telling the Senate WHAT HE HOPES... WHAT HE BELIEVES... He didn't say vote your conscience. He didn't say I hope they vote how they believe their people would vote. Is this what it means to be Republican? I don't remember this kind of mindless Republican thought process when President Ronald Reagan was around. It just appears that we've got an entire party afraid to vote with their own hearts and minds. This is dangerous. And hold up Mitch, we're not done yet. Don't you think it's a bit much to declare two articles of impeachment coming from the US House of Representatives "weak"? Did it occur to you that this makes it appear that the law makers in the House are like school children who don't know what they're doing and just learning what to do so you guys in the Senate have to grade their papers... And to have the audacity to get on national television, say these things, pimp your book that you collaborated with Trump to write, and act like this is OK... GEEZ, I don't know what to say. I actually like the hard nose tactics of Mr. McConnell but this time I wish he'd just have smiled and not said a thing.

And to top it off, Mr. McConnell starts bragging about replacing over 50 judges in three years and how this is a long lasting accomplishment of the Trump Administration. Couldn't he have just let the book hit the shelves, said nothing about the book in the interview, and let those who are interested read the book. Mr. McConnell's statements regarding the two articles of impeachment, his desires for how the Senate votes, his book collaboration with President Trump, and bragging about replacing judges puts him in a position where other law makers can question whether he is suitable to lead the impeachment trial because he has voiced his opinion about the matter and stated what he wants to happen before the trial could occur.

Let me cut to the punch line. DAMN IT MITCH, WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?

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