Spoiled Pickle

It's A Damn Shame! Diva Down! Senator Kamala Harris Ends Her Presidential Campaign, December 2019!

Now let's be real. You know you smiled when you saw her standing up there. You know you were snickering when she said what needed to be said during the debates. She was fearless. She was brave. She was bold. She was absolutely beautiful... Taking on every last issue, every shady topic, and every politician who had something to hide. You knew that when she was on stage, there would be accountability because, oh yeah, did I leave something out... That's right, Kamala is a fearless, brave, bold, beautiful, black woman. It doesn't matter what your political views are. You know that Kamala was going to push the real issues to the front and that you were not going to be able to dance around the issues with her on the stage. The Democratic Party had a highly qualified and diverse set of people to choose from. But alas, the all star bench is starting to lose its balance.

On December 2, 2019, Senator Kamala Harris ended her bid for President of the United States in 2020.... And I'll say it again. It's a Damn Shame! We have lost the only real balance for sorting out the issues. Without Kamala, the Democratic Party loses a critical voice. No one else has truly looked Vice President Biden straight in the eyes and stated their beliefs or challenged him professionally.

What we gonna do now? It's all messed up now. Huh? It's all messed up now. We let her down. Worse yet, we let America down. Now there's no balance... And why did she stop her campaign? Well, in one word.. money. Her campaign ran out of money. So that's what it's all about now. Who has enough money to buy votes with bill boards, brochures, ads, and bullshit? Who has enough cash left over after flying from Iowa to California, Florida, Alaska, Texas, down to hell and back? I don't know. Well whoever its, that's who will be President. So why don't we just skip the crap and swear Bloomberg in right now?

Well at least Kamala made history. She's not the first black woman to run for President of the United States but she joins a very distinguished list of ladies... Maybe America will strive to keep Kamala on the scene. She would make an excellent Vice President. The battle is not over yet.

Kamala, America still needs you! Fight On!

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