Spoiled Pickle


Marijuana, (Cannabis) also known as pot has been around for centuries. It is known as an herb, defined from culture to culture. Marijuana has been used in certain foods such as hamburgers, cookies and candies. Nevertheless, the Cannabis flower and fruit is consumed for the purpose of THC, which is used for some medical treatments such as glaucoma, epilepsy and depression. "Marijuana increased in popularity in the mid_1970's when there was interest in cannabinoid for reduction in intraocular pressure (IOP), which is the fluid pressure inside the eye" (Imhoff, 2019, para. 1). If used improperly it can also cause negative side effects. Any plant or flower used in a certain way is called an herb. However, marijuana is also classified as a drug. I feel it got classified this way because of how people abuse the use of it. That's just my opinion. Marijuana has been illegal for years. It has became a merchandise for sale, that got into bad hands. People began to smoke it, to get their high on, or sell it for money. Constant usage become very addictive for some, including damaging brain cells. Also, selling this herbal drug has caused pain, suffering, murders and even innocent youths to be effected. Many families have been destroyed from this product. People have gone to jail and even serving life sentences from the effects of this drug. If it has already caused so much suffering and chaos in the past and now, legalizing it would be uncontrollable. It would not be good for society, especially seeing all of the chaos that is going on in the world today. If medical marijuana becomes legal, I feel inmates who are locked up in jail need to be released. They were selling it for money. Now, who gets the money when it's legalized? I rest my case.

According to Health and Human Services, (2019) King County gives 6 key priorities when legalizing marijuana. They are:

Although legalizing marijuana has its advantages and disadvantages, I feel that it would cost more to protect people than it would to help them. We must weigh the balances. My perceptions are that at least 70% of the people are going to abuse marijuana or break the law. These people include lawmakers, dispensers and consumers. I'm just keeping it real. Tell me what you all think. Please reference the articles below and comment your thoughts.

King County (2019). Health and Human Services priorities regarding marijuana legalization. Priorities regarding marijuana legalization. November 19, 2019

Imhoff, J. (2019). Using Marijuana to treat Glaucoma. Health Management. November 21, 2019

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