Spoiled Pickle


Let's talk about the above topic which is of great importance. It is one that is often overlooked and much more emphasis and research needs to be given. We need to take time out to expound more on the subject and help others to become aware of the misconceptions about mental health.

Today, many people are going through the stressors of life or have experienced setbacks, trauma, sicknesses, whether physical or mental. Sometimes these situations cause a lasting affect on our memory and how we conduct our entire life, including decisions. We often overlook our behaviors and emotions because we become comfortable with it. So we go on with our lives, and become victims of our own past and a fugitive to our own mind.

As early as the 1950's, if a person mentioned they were getting counseling, people would call them crazy or imbalanced. It was looked upon as something bad. Today, many views are similar. But, people are beginning to accept that mental health is a medical condition and cannot be overlooked.

Some people are born disabled or with mental conditions - bipolar, schizophrenia, PTSD and other issues. Yet, some undergo anxiety, depression and mood swings due to unforeseen obstacles, including the loss of loved ones. Mental Health does not discriminate. It does not care if you are old or young, fat or skinny, pretty or ugly, smart or dumb, educated or uneducated, short or tall. It affects us all.

A total wellness check is essential from head to foot, and all human beings are to be considered. This includes military war veterans. Pastors, lawyers, doctors, nurses and other human service workers should not count themselves out. They often have excessive workloads, resulting in burnout. No one is exempt.

Regardless of the state you may be in, make sure that you vent, talk to your counselor, doctor, mentor, pastor or anyone you trust. You need to release those feelings that may hold you bound. Some may need medications to help as well. Never be too prideful. Doctors are here to help us too.

Some may have been delivered from the pains of mental illness and/or behaviors. That's ok because faith makes us overcomers. Nevertheless, never use your beliefs as an excuse to hide your reality. Personally, we all know when there is a need for extended help. So I ask, when was the last time you had a mental health check? Do you feel depressed? Do you know someone else who may need help? I want to encourage you to take action today. Here is a link to the National 24 hour hotline. https://www.mentalhealth.gov/get-help/immediate-help Please take a look at their resources if you like.

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