Spoiled Pickle

President Trump... You've Got Us Going Now!

For all the crazy firings, scandals, investigations, and policy changes... I just don't know how you did it Mr. President. This has got to be the ultimate magic trick. When I saw this picture, I forgot all about the Rocket Man Show. I forgot about the border line destruction of NATO. I forgot all bout the fourty five and counting dismissals ,firings, and resignations during the Trump Administration. Who could remember a list this long. Shall we... Kevin McAleenan, Rick Perry, John Bolton, Dan Coats, Alexander Acosta, Sarah Sanders, Kirstjen Nielsen, Scott Gottlieb, Bill Shine, John Kelly, Ryan Zinke, Nikki Haley, James Mattis, Mira Ricardel, Jeff Sessions, Don McGahn, John Kelly, Joe Hagin, Scott Pruitt, Tom Homan, Ty Cobb, Nadia Schadlow, Michael Anton, Tom Bossert, H.R. McMaster, Hope Hicks, David Shulkin, Josh Raffel, John Dowd, John McEntee, Rex Tillerson, John Feeley, Gary Cohn, David Sorensen, Rachel Brand, Rob Porter, Brenda Fitzgerald, Taylor Weyeneth, Andrew McCabe, Omarosa M. Newman, Marc Short, Dina Powell, Rick Dearborn, Jeremy Katz, George Sifakis, Tom Price, Keith Schiller, Sebastian Gorka, Steve Bannon, Carl Icahn, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Anthony Scaramucci, George Gigicos, Reince Priebus, Derek Harvey, Michael Short, Sean Spicer, Rich Higgins, Mark Corallo, Tera Dahl, Michael Dubke, James Comey, Angella Reid, Vivek Murthy, K.T. McFarland, Katie Walsh, Michael Flynn, Sally Yates, and the illustrious Sean Spicer.

I forgot about the Trade War Show, The Nuclear Show Down Show, the Romance of Putin Show, and the I Hate Pelosi Show. I forgot about the deficit. I forgot about the economy. I forgot about global warming, the Amazon Fires, Bitcoin, and the declining ozone layer.

I even forgot Jean Carroll, Karen Johnson, Alva Johnson, Ninni Laaksonen, Jessica Drake, Karena Virginia, Cathy Heller, Summer Zervos, Kristin Anderson, Samantha Holvey, Lisa Boyne, Jessica Leeds, Rachel Crooks, Mindy McGillivray, Natasha Stoynoff, Jennifer Murphy, Mariah Billado, Tasha Dixon, Cassandra Searles, Bridget Sullivan, Temple Taggart McDowell, Jill Harth, and Ivana Trump.

I forgot about Eddie Gallagher. I forgot about Hurrican Dorian. I forgot about Hillary Clintion. I forgot about Joe Biden. I forgot the meaning of sedition. I forgot about the bashing of the Congresswomen. I forgot about Elijah Cummings and John Lewis. I forgot about the NRA. I forgot about gun control. I forgot about the attacks on the schools around our nation where our children innocently attend.

Hell, I forgot about Rudy Giuliani. I forgot about the Ukraine. I forgot about the whistle blower. I even forgot about the ongoing impeachment hearings.

But there's one thing I didn't forget Mr. President. We've Made America Great Again and There's nothing like a good show... Is there?

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