Spoiled Pickle

Largo High School. WTF?

Now the story is that a teacher, Vivian Noirie, 36, was charged with child abuse after repeatedly hitting a student, 17, at Largo High School according to police in Prince George’s County. So let's say that again. This teacher commences whooping up on a 17 year old student in the classroom? Whatever precipitated this event really doesn't matter. How in the hell is a teacher putting their hands on a student? Is this a academic learning environment or is this an MMA club? In the video, it is clear that the child is walking with a back pack on and is attacked from behind. It is a horrific attack.

This is the kind of thing that parents end up sueing the school system. There's absolutely no way around asking yourself, who is this teacher? How was she selected? What are the requirements for hiring these teachers. Learn more here.... At least senior officials have acknowledged that this was child abuse and will not be tolerated. We can only hope that the young lady who was attacked was not seriously injured and that the students who witnessed the attack will not learn to resort to violence as a course of action if someone bumps your or steps on your toe.

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