Spoiled Pickle

Pigeon Abuse? Come On!

Just when you thought you'd seen it all, someone has to do something extra just to prove you wrong. That's right folks. It's official. Someone out there has nothing better to do than catch pigeons and glue a hat on their heads. I'm going to say it again. Someone has nothing better to do than catch innocent pigeons and glue cowboy hats on their heads. It's December 2019 and now Pigeon Abuse is now a thing. I wonder what's next. Are we going to start catching stray dogs and putting hats on them? Better yet, let's get the cats too. We don't want to leave them out.

Let's be serious. This is a horrible thing.. And it's not really funny. Worst yet are those few animal rescue heroes who are out there dealing with real animal tragedies and now they have to stop to chase the cowboy hat birds. It just goes to show you that if you think things can't get any dumber, you're wrong. I wonder if capturing an innocent creature and dressing them in unwanted garments is a crime. I wonder what the punishment would be. Would it be a simple fine of about $150? Would the person have to spend a month in jail? What would be the punishment for this sort of stupidity? Maybe, the guilty party should have a similar hat glued to their head while they serve their time in jail on top of a fine. There you go criminal justice system. If you don't have a punishment for this activity yet, I humbly offer mine.

We Hate Politics!

Yeah, you guessed it. We will not go easy on politicians on this site. If they do something stupid, we ain't gonna let off the hook. If they have to get lit up here, it's going to be like fireworks in the sky.

We Love Celebrities!

You will always be able to come to our site and get an opinion on what Celebrities are up too.


Whether it be the law of the land or what's going on over seas, we might just weigh in. If something dumb is going on, we're definitely going to speak upon it.