Five Ways to Save Big Money In 2025
Don't Pay For Food
Believe it or not, if you try hard enough, you can find ways to pay literally pennies for food. It sounds impossible but the truth is that there are literally hundreds of establishments giving away food. And we're talking about everything from apples to zuchini. There's literally nothing that you eat that you can't find a source to get it for free. You just have to stop what you are doing and find them. What makes it so bad is that it's not a one time deal. You can go to these places over, and over, and over again. They are waiting for people who have a need to come forward and take the food. The truth is that alot of what they are giving away would go to waste if someone doesn't take it. So why not just pick up a few steaks and take them out back and grill them up. If you don't, someone else will. While you're sitting in line at the Burger King, you could have picked up a few sirloins, potatoes, frozen vegetable, and maybe cooked a pot of fresh collard from you own back yard and save yourself a $45 trip to the fast food greasy burger. Now don't get me wrong. Everyone likes greasy burgers. All I'm saying is you could be eating them for free, bread and all if you just exert a little effort.
Stop Buying New Stuff
I know, I know, I know. You're thinking, this is just a bogus article. Well, no it's not. Think about all those trips to Walmart, Costco, and the mall where you go and buy junk that you already have. A lot of times we do this because we just don't know where the last one we had is. We buy everthing from hats to tools over and over again because we are really just unorganized, lazy and impatient. We want everything right now. And we buy everything over and over again so we can have it right now. We need to stop, get organized and realize that we may just have everthing we need sitting under boxes of things that we haven't put away.
Get Serious About Gardening
Meals are getting way to expensive if you eat out a lot. Infact, if you look at how much it's really costing you per meal when you account for the inflated costs of fast food and gas to obtain whatever you're gobbling, it just makes since that if you could go outside and create a meal right from your back yard, that's money in the bank. So, why not make an attempt to at least have one meal a day completely come from your garden.
Shack Up With Family or Friends
Well, yeah, think about it. By now, you probably have friends or family that are less than thirty minutes from where you live. They might actually visit you or you visit them every week. If this is the case, why not just hang out with them for real for a bout a week? Shut your house down. Turn off the lights. Turn off the water. Turn off the heat. Go on a brief staycation with friends and family. Go and live with them as if you were at home. Just think about how much money you could save if you did that once or twice a month.
Don't Buy New Vehicles
If you can get a used vehicle that is in good shape, you can save thousands of dollars. If you are not going on long trips and all you need is reliable transportation that involves you being able to savely travel less than an hour a day then a good used vehicle might just be a great way to save ten to thirty thousand of your hard earned money.
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