Spoiled Pickle

This Ain't No Sleepy Joe!

There have truly been a few events throughout history where what appears to be mere words have literally changed the direction of political campaigns. In December, 2019, while on the campaign trail, a retired farmer decided to try his luck by poking Presidential Candidate, Joe Biden during a town hall event. It turned out to be a big mistake. See, my take on it is that you can only poke a lion so many times before he turns on ya. I guess after Mr. Trump poked the lion a few times and nothing heinous happened, folks began to believe they could get away with it. Well, too bad, Mr. farmer, you caught old Joe on the wrong day. This ain't "Sleepy Joe" you poked at. This is the Joe that with the fire in his eyes. This is the Joe that gets angry when you get on his bad side... the lion that's been asleep. I sho wish you had not woke up that lion. Now he's pissed....

See, you can't mess with a lion's family and think that you're going to get away with it. What the hell were you thinking Mr. Farmer? Now that the lion is awake, he's going to hunt. And the lion is not going to let anyone off the hook see. The lion is an apex predator. That's why they call them the King of the Jungle. When you woke up the lion Mr. Farmer, you lit a fire that can't really be put out with words or water. Mr. Farmer, you're just the first one this season the lion is going to call a liar. You're just the first one that's going to get ate up on national TV. And that lion is sho nuf hungry too. I hear lion's hunt in packs. That's not good Mr. Farmer. It's not good. That means that when you woke up that lion, he's going to lead the pack and take down a number of prey for the whole pack of lions. That's right Mr. Farmer, every Republican is going to be on the run now cause you woke up "Sleep Joe". Damn, Damn, Damn.

As a matter of fact, any body who has something to say and doesn't have all the facts better be careful. You might want to look at Vice President Joe Biden's track record before to mess with him in public. Whether you agree with his position or not, he's not going to go easy on you. As a matter of fact, I think we can safely say that if the lion isn't asleep, he's gonna tear your ass up.

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