Spoiled Pickle

Chicago Police Slam Man Drinking on Thanksgiving 2019

So yeah, you're drunk... maybe even piss drunk and it's Thanksgiving and you've got no where to go. So, it's just another day in Chicago right? Uh oh, here come the police. It looks like they're looking at you. Yep, they are. And it doesn't look like they are having a good day. I guess they have a problem with you. Maybe they have problems at home. You really don't give a damn but oh well, here they come.

And before you know it, you find yourself in an altercation with the police. These days, you can't even sit drunk on the side of the road and be safe from the cops. But hey, what could happen on Thanksgiving? Surely, we can get through the holiday without the notorious police brutality that Chicago has become famous for right?.

Well, I guess not. It's a damn shame. How in the world do you get slammed like this on the concrete on Thanksgiving day? They are calling this an emergency take down. I call it a classic MMA body slam. The only difference is this is on asphalt and concrete. This is the kind of thing that can kill a man instantly yet all they are talking about doing is removing this cop's badge. I hear the man spat in his face. I hear that he threatened the cop. I hear that he even licked the cop. That was dumb. But was the man armed? Did the drunk deserve to be subjected to a life threatening body slam on Thanksgiving day? Damn! Read more here...

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