Spoiled Pickle

They're Going To Impeach Trump... So What?

So, it's finally happened. Ms. Nancy Pelosi has officially announced the call to Congress for the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

If you asked me, he's already been impeached. You've dragged his name through the mud on every major news network. You've brought up every personal relationship he's had that may or may not have been appropriate. You've blasted the President for every opinion he has. You've stalked him all around the globe. You've fought him on every policy he has tried to implement. I'm not sure if anyone has ever said anything positive about him in the media. Is that not impeachment?

And let's just get to the punch line of the matter. Impeachment Doesn't Mean Anything! I'm going to say it again. Impeachment Doesn't Mean Anything! A quick review of American history reveals that several presidents have had impeachment proceedings started against them but only two have actually been impeached... And you know what... neither of the presidents, Andrew Johnson or Bill Clinton, who were formally impeached had to leave office. It just never seems to get past the Senate. With the current trajectory of the Trump Presidency, by the time Congress agrees to impeachment, if they do, and the Senate begins deliberating on whether to impeach Trump, it could be the summer of 2020.

My bet is that they're not going to do a damn thing. I can't imagine a Congress that wants to have the distinction of removing a sitting President of the United States from office. I can't imagine a cast of Senators who would want to add the removal of President Donald Trump from office as part of their re-election campaign. It just doesn't have a good sound bite in it. Can you imagine one of them on their infomercial saying.. "I'm Senator so and so. I voted to impeach Mr. Trump and as a result of my actions, the President of the United States was removed from office. Now, I need your vote so I can continue the hard work that must be done to remove the next person who is elected our most senior governing official."

None of the impeachment proceedings are interrupting President Trumps agenda or his policies... And even if it slows down any of the President's work, it is highly unlikely he will have to leave office. And that's why the most that can happen is Mr. Trump gets to join the most elite group of US Presidents without consequence... the Presidents that pissed off Congress and the Senate and all they could do is cry wah wah wah, bad Mr. President.

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