Spoiled Pickle

You Can Lose Weight!

It takes a lot of courage to talk about being overweight or obese. My mind often wonder back to them days when I was called, "Brick House" (36, 24, 36). Do y’all remember that song? Or, you might be that male who was physically fit and ladies just stared at your sexy body during gym workouts. When you look that good, you get a lot of attention and acceptance. But, what happens when that changes? Sometimes, we don't know where it begins? For me, I started gaining a lot of weight when I became stressed out over different situations. In my mind, I'm thinking that it's OK. I can handle this. But, what you don't realize is that your body go through changes.

I started to gain a whole lot of weight. My appetite changed, where I was eating more than I could even handle. It's often something you are not conscious of during that moment. All you know is, it's something you want to do. And, that is eat what you like. My weight gain became uncontrollable. What makes it worse, is that you know it. But, you just don't care at that moment. You keep telling yourself, it's not a problem. I'm going to lose weight. But, time waits on no one. Next thing you know is that you have gained an extra 50-100 pounds and look like a "Character from a cartoon Magazine."

People around you see the difference. That girl or boy who thought you were hot, look at you and say YUK. You can't run the way you used to. Now, you can feel the discrimination from the public. Yes, it's a hurtful thing. Even worse, you can lack self-esteem in yourself and lose confidence. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you could have done better. I know you're probably thinking that people should love you for you. That's true. There are people who were born with a medical condition, and they suffer too. Medical discoveries are being made everyday to help such individuals. We all need a motivator, whether male or female. You don't have to drown in your tears of depression. You can make a difference, by losing that weight.


Let me ask, "Is that who you really are?" You don't have to remain that way? It's not too late for you to take that step forward and today is your day. First, I want you to drink a glass of lemon water every morning 15 minutes before breakfast. Then drink another glass of lemon water at night before you go to bed.

Your next step will be to visit these websites and the rest is history. It will put you on the right path to lose weight.

I can't make you do nothing. But, if you care about your health and the way you look, you will do something about it. We live in a visual society. Employers hire more people who appear more healthier. Even men and women who seek for spouses, regardless of their size, desire someone who is attractive. This is their first desire, before the "so called" let me learn who you are. It's time to recondition your thoughts. It's time to take back the agony, the unwanted stress and invest back into you. No one knows your pain. Yet, some really don't care. But, you have to, because it's you.

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